Monday, October 5, 2009

Yesterday in church our pastor talked about divorce in the book of Mark. It says that if a man gets divorced and remarries, he is committing adultery and vice versa. This upset many people in the congregation. He proceeded to tell the people that the bible was written in a different culture in a different time. He also told people to start picking up their bibles and reading them. He said not to be afraid but excited and that it is okay to question God. A lot of people came up to me afterwards and asked me what I thought about reading the bible thus far. I wanted to give them a good answer, but I couldn’t. The truth is the sermon upset me. I don’t like the fact that the bible says divorce is a bad thing. I have seen so many couple abuse each other and are upset all the time, and then they get remarried and everything is better. The kids are happier and are living in a safer place. Now the bible is telling me that it is wrong to have a happier life? I just told them that reading the bible has opened my eyes a little wider. Ever since I started reading the bible I have been questioning God. There are parts I love about it and parts that really disturb me. I am not really a fan of all the “rules” there are to being a follower. I am also not a fan of killing and torturing people. I was just like those people in church who haven’t actually picked the book up and read. This class has made me get over my fear and start questioning God. 

1 comment:

  1. Jenna,
    My pastor talked about the same thing in chruch. how funny. and i just wanted to let you know that i'm in the same boat you are with questioning God about things, and being a little afraid about reading the bible. haha its a funny thing to think about. but anyway i just wanted to let you know, that i'm in the same boat you are with this. =D
