Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sorry about blogging

I find it difficult to blog. I usually do the majority of my reading before going to sleep. I keep the bible on my bedside table. My problem is when I read it, I forget to blog about what I read the next day. Lately, however, I have learned to write them down before falling asleep and eventually I remember to blog. I will try and get better at this. Sorry.


I was really excited to read the bible one night when I came home from school. I have never felt this way before. Usually I found the bible to be homework and felt like it was something I had to do. When I got home, my dad had invited a friend over and they were being loud and talking about guy stuff. I kept trying to get through the first few lines, but kept getting distracted. Almost immediately after I closed the bible the power went off. I was so upset because how could I read the bible now when it was too dark to see the pages? My dad's friend left and it was only the two of us. He wanted to talk and catch up, but I told him I had homework to do. We lit a lot of candles and started a fire in our fireplace. My dad, not exactly a religious guy, asked if he could listen to me read. So there we sat for a couple hours reading the bible from the glow of candle-light. We both asked questions and commented on bible verses. We laughed and had a wonderful time. The power came on a few hours later. The television was blaring, the lights came on, the smoke alarms were beeping and resetting themselves. Everything seemed so disappointing. We had this amazing moment and now we were again distracted by the interference of modern technology. We got up and turned all the lights off and kept reading. 

The Slave

I found The Slave to be very interesting and quite addicting. I thought it was amazing how Jacob could spend five years away from other Jews and still have that strong of a faith. I was happy when I read he was going back for Wanda. She was my favorite character and I was so upset when he left her to go back home. I found it ingenious of Sarah to come up with the idea of being a mute. I never would have thought of the language being such an issue. But I would assume it would be similar to a foreigner learning English and speaking with a thick accent. She was very smart and dedicated to it. I have no idea how on earth she could have stayed mute for that long. I go crazy if I am in a museum and cannot talk for a couple of hours, let alone a few years. I also thought it was amazing how in labor she did not speak. She only screamed and groaned. How could a woman do that? She never spoke until she found it was too late. She was going to die. This part REALLY disappointed me. She was my favorite character and now she is dead? To me it seemed like the story died with her. It seemed as if Jacob too died with her. He wondered around for several years, but never truly got on with his life. I thought this was so sweet how he came back to die with her. I thought it was a little cheesy how Sarah's body just happened to be right next to Jacob's when they were buried and how her body wasn't decomposed enough so you could tell it was her. That seemed a little too cheesy for me. I love a happy ending, but at least make it realistic. 

One part of the slave that really bugged me was how the Jews were SO against Jews marrying a gentile. I would think that the Jews would be happy to know they have one more person on their side. I would have thought they would be excited to teach Sarah the ways of their religion. They would be happy to know they have one more person to carry on their traditions in their religion. Maybe this is the Christian faith I am thinking of, but I am still confused. 


I am still not completely sure as to what exactly I will be writing about, but I think I have the main idea. I plan to write about why people should read the bible. During these few weeks reading the bible, I have become aware of all the lies that are out there. I have started to question whether very educated people know what they are talking about or not. I am fairly new to religion and have become very interested. I only started going to church a year ago and knew little to nothing about the bible. I think it is almost better this way because I haven't exactly been told lies as to what is actually written. I know several people whom I love and respect, but they preach without picking the book up and reading it. I will also discuss in my paper what I learned from reading the bible that I did not know then but know now, and how it the effects it has had on me. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Group Project

Today we finished filming our movie on the book of Acts. It has been a lot of fun. I realized the last couple of days that my fellow classmates are very good little actors and actresses. I, on the other hand, am a terrible actress.  I was amazed at how creative and fun filming could be though. Whether people like it or not, it doesn't matter. It is already a success. We had fun doing it and learned a lot at the same time. I got to know some very funny and intelligent people. My favorite part of filming this video was filming. I loved watching my classmates be creative and get so into their role. I loved playing around with special effects to make it more entertaining. The best part about filming was it didn't seem like work. We had a great time. I also found a lot of funny moments when the most random things would occur and we had to improvise. I hope everyone enjoys it as much as I already have.