Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I was really excited to read the bible one night when I came home from school. I have never felt this way before. Usually I found the bible to be homework and felt like it was something I had to do. When I got home, my dad had invited a friend over and they were being loud and talking about guy stuff. I kept trying to get through the first few lines, but kept getting distracted. Almost immediately after I closed the bible the power went off. I was so upset because how could I read the bible now when it was too dark to see the pages? My dad's friend left and it was only the two of us. He wanted to talk and catch up, but I told him I had homework to do. We lit a lot of candles and started a fire in our fireplace. My dad, not exactly a religious guy, asked if he could listen to me read. So there we sat for a couple hours reading the bible from the glow of candle-light. We both asked questions and commented on bible verses. We laughed and had a wonderful time. The power came on a few hours later. The television was blaring, the lights came on, the smoke alarms were beeping and resetting themselves. Everything seemed so disappointing. We had this amazing moment and now we were again distracted by the interference of modern technology. We got up and turned all the lights off and kept reading. 

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